What is a KIDS FIRST! Recommendation

submitApplication Fees

Members*: $200
Non-members: $300

Late or rush fee: $50


A KIDS FIRST! recommendation is given to TV series in place of an endorsement. Whereas endorsement requires evaluation of every episode in the series, a "Recommendation" is based evaluating three sample episodes from the same season. Recommended programming must meet or exceed the KIDS FIRST! criteria and are given a one-, two- or three-star rating indicating good, better and best.

KIDS FIRST! Recommended Series Receive

The right to use the KIDS FIRST! recommended seal and rating.

Consideratio for a KIDS FIRST! Best Award.

A unique landing page on the KIDS FIRST ! website.

Review on KIDS FIRST! website, social media and our publishing partners both print and online.

FAQs for Producers

Answers to frequently asked questions from producers.

Coalition for Quality Children's Media

KIDS FIRST! endorsement and KIDS FIRST! Film Festival are projects of the Coalition for Quality Children's Media, a nonprofit organization supporting quality children's media since 1991.


*You must be a "producer" level member or higher to take the member discount. Individual or family membership does not quality.

Home office address:

Coalition for Quality Children's Media
112 W. San Francisco St., Suite 305A
Santa Fe, NM 87501


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