KIDS FIRST! Junior Film Critics Curriculum
Becoming a Film Critic

SESSION SIX: Unsafe Behavior and Put Downs - Examine Behavior Shown in Media
Time: 60 - 120 Minutes

A. Welcome transparency up. Sign in.

B. Review Homework:
Media Log. Write on board. Share. Ask if they are watching any new programs. Like what?
Give us your 5rd Review. Share 2 or 3.
How many reviewed Shrek? How many did another title? Like what?
Share reviews with group

C. Unsafe Behavior. Show clips from clip reel without discussion. Discuss afterwards.
What actions did you see that were not safe? Why?
What age group do you think might imitate the unsafe? How about you?
Have you seen any unsafe behaviors in your media log programs? Describe. Would you imitate them? Would a younger kid imitate them?
As a film critic would you tell your readers about unsafe behaviors in a film, tv show or video game? Like what?

C. Put-Downs: Watch clip reel. Show without discussion
Let's watch these clips first. Then, we'll discuss them.
Use Goonies clip on reel.
Rent and show clips from Married with Children, a Simpsons episode, or watch entire Goonies.

D. Afterwards ask:
How do you think it feels to be made fun of in front of other people?
How many of you have been put-down by insults or name-calling?
How does it make you feel? How do you feel when someone says, "It's just a joke?"
Why do you think people do it?
Are you ever too old for it to not hurt?
Have you ever put someone else down?
Do put-downs belong in children's programming? School? Anywhere?
Another word for put-downs is condescension. Try using that around your parents!

I. Homework Assignment: Volunteer reads assignments.
Media log. Look for unsafe behavior and put-downs in the 3 cartoons you added two weeks ago.
Write your 6th Review. Choose from your media log or review Goonies or visit the KIDS FIRST! website and do a search on unsafe or condescension.
Remember . . . (Your Review Guidelines)

OPTIONAL: Go online and do a search on condescension or unsafe. What do you find? Try adding the word media, film, or tv show.


Session 7


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