It made one child think of his own pen pal. "I can't visit him but I can write to him." The crayon guy was kind of mean but he turned out to be nice in the end.
Great music and storyline with a good lesson. Even very young children are familiar with the pen pal concept. They should relate to the characters and the situation here. The resolution of the conflict - talking it out - is a good one and is coupled with a strong message about friendship and acceptance of who you are. Ethnically mixed cast of characters with quirky traits who all live in harmony in a simple, beautiful garden.
Excited about contacting her new pen pal, Sheira takes Doodles advice and videotapes all the lovable and lively characters at Dittydoodle Works, but WAIT... something is missing! Sing along while Sheira learns all about the importance of being honest with friends and always being yourself!
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KIDS FIRST! Goes Local: Submit a review & win!