Good content, helps kids understand urban sprawl, environmental issues, and the affects of population growth. Well illustrated. Evokes questions such as: Can animals and plants survive our growing multiple land uses? Are we running out of healthy natural spaces? Is there enough room to roam? Canadian production so most of the data is relevant specifically to Canada. 3 episodes of approximately 30 min. each.
Aimed at grades 6-10, this 3-part contemporary environmental science mini-series explores the reasons, causes, and solutions surrounding how human land uses eat up healthy natural space (habitats) and render it useless for other species. This pervasive trend is fueled by the Myth of Superabundance - the belief that animals and plants can go 'somewhere else.' A fascinated ecologist and amicable teacher, Ernie, introduces science and guests to candidly explore ideas and attitudes which help reveal the cummulative effects of human activities on the land. Guided solutions and hands-on exercises include: green mapping; calculating ecological footprints; reducing them; and, protecting natural spaces with parks and innovations such as the Y2Y (Yellowstone to Yukon) Conservation Initiative.
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