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What to know: Bullying Prevention from the experience of 9-year-old Gerry Orz.
DAY OF SILENCE is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 5-12
22 minutes
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I like this short film about a boy who just moves to a new town and is very different from the other kids. He has two moms, practices a different religion and has a speech problem. This movie shows the wrong way to deal with these differences - fighting and bullying and then the right way - tolerating people's differences. I think tolerance is a really important message for kids to learn.
Good acting, very believable. There is some fighting and bullying but it's done as part of the way to deliver the anti-bullying message. Very good camera and audio work. I know of some adult filmmakers who could learn a lot from this film. Most important though is its message. Gerry Orz, who made this film, has experienced bullying himself and he speaks from that experience. He has started a nonprofit organization that addresses bullying, Kids Resource. He is 10-years-old with a message to be heard. Bravo to you Gerry Orz. You are amazing.
Adam Syder, is dealing with bullying at school while trying to protect his sister and support his gay parents. Afraid and hurt, he decides to stand his grounds and fight for what is right. This movie can serve as PSA message and has two unexpected endings.
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