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What to know: Crazy teens travelling to the future and back again all the time dealing with A.
PAST FUTURE MURDER, A is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 12-18
22 minutes
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I liked this even though the lighting is pretty terrible quite often. I like the concept, like the kids, like the story. Direction is clearly needs improvement. But, it's fun in a goofy sort of way. For a high school production, it has a lot going for it. It's pretty complex with a lot of different scenes. This is a fairly complex piece of filmmaking. My biggest issue is the lighting. I'm going to accept it because I think teens will enjoy it.
Johnny and Jeremy, two teenagers who struggle with A.D.D., travel to the future and learn of the murder of their friend, Kaitlyn. In their attempt to prevent her murder, they must figure out who murdered her, when, where and why. And if that were not enough, they must struggle with their attention deficit. It keeps distracting them from their primary goal of preventing Kaitlyn's murder. Through their struggles, they realize that their disability can be used to their advantage. In the end, they use it to save Kaitlyn's life.
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