The plot is about Sonic (Jaleel White) and his siblings, Sonia (Jaleel White) and Manic (Jaleel White) who team up, to search for their missing mother, Queen Aleena and to stop the evil Dr. Robotnik. I wouldn't say the animation is amazing, as it is a bit choppy and sluggish at times. However, it isn't the worst animated show to come out in the 90s, as it does have a style and it does feel like it belongs in the Sonic The Hedgehog universe. Also, I find it interesting that Sonic, Sonia and Manic's weapons are magic musical instruments. I really like that decision, as it shows that the series is a more creative and original adaptation.
Speaking of which, the main difference between this show and the games are the two completely original characters who are Sonic's siblings, Sonia and Manic. I found them interesting, but it feels as if they often get pushed aside to let Sonic be the star. I understand he's the main character, but Sonia and Manic don't really get much of a chance to show their personalities. Most of the time, it seems that they are just there to be there. Also, Sonia's voice is kind of irritating. It's super high pitched and nasal, and is somewhat distracting.
This show is an adaptation of the Sonic The Hedgehog series. As an adaptation, it's pretty good. However, it bares more resemblance to the Sonic comic books than the games. It has a similar setting to the comics and some of the characters seem similar. Sonic even looks like the comic adaptation of him, shorter and chubbier.
Sonic The Hedgehog has never really been known for fantastic, well written stories. Sometimes, the games have an engaging story, but writing has never been the focus of the series. So how is the story in Sonic Underground? Actually, not too shabby. The show has a set goal and some actual character development. However, there is only one season, with only forty episodes and that is probably a good thing. If it went on for multiple seasons, the show would probably turn into a wild goose chase looking for Queen Aleena.
By Calista B., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 13
This show is very cheesy, but that's exactly what makes it charming. The animation is pretty good, especially compared to the older Sonic TV series. The story is really great and consists of Sonic and his siblings fighting Dr. Robotnik to find their mother. Due to the subject matter, starting with Vol. 2 takes away from some of the story so, I wanted to watch a copy of Sonic Underground Vol. 1 to watch. I do believe that you will get this best if you watch Vol. 1 before Vol. 2. Once you do that, it is really cute and full of examples of family members looking out for one another and never giving up. Something that I think is really neat is the fact that the set comes with music videos and they are pretty cool. This is a great program for anyone who has been a fan of the Sonic video games. I believe it is best suited for ages 6 to 14 and give it 5 out of 5 stars. By Rachael V., KIDS FIRST! Juror.
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