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What to know: Open your child's eyes to the wonders of the natural world with the Emmy Award-winning program, Peep and the Big Wide World.
PEEP:  DRY DUCK, PART 1 & 2 is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 2-5
22 minutes
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PEEP:  DRY DUCK, PART 1 & 2 cover image
Great title; great series. Everyone in our office stops to watch these Peep episodes which are cleverly designed for snealth learning, masked in an entertaining format. Joan Cusack's narration is just perfect, understated but deliberate. If you haven't watched Peep, you're in for a treat.
Open your child's eyes to the wonders of the natural world with the Emmy Award-winning program, Peep and the Big Wide World. Joan Cusack narrates as young viewers join Peep, a newly hatched chicken, Chirp, a smart and sassy robin, and Quack, an endearingly egotistical duck, as they explore their world.
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