A hit. They would watch it again. "I like it a lot because it is nice for everyone to be friends and have adventures." "I liked the creatures and the animation." "It reminds me of the Princess Academy." "In the beginning the people treated the Sasquatch people nicely, but the big sister didn't treat her younger sister nicely because she didn't' believe her." Favorite part: That it made us think about other people's feelings when they are going through rough times. It's great!
Good story, good message, good animation. It tells a story that is relevant today in terms of preserving native lands and using technology in appropriate ways. The vocabulary tends towards an older audience yet the animation style is more appropriate for a younger audience. Lovely music. Great cast - both the animated characters and the voice cast.
John Davis, played by William Hurt, and his girls find a family of Bigfoot living in their backyard. Now they must help the Bigfoot save their home while protecting their secret, ancient way of life.
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