Recommended age 2-6
33 minutes
Click to purchase directly from the producer
Click to purchase directly from the producer

Mixed reviews from Fun to Okay. They enjoyed the set. "The set was cool - it showed a car, trees and stuff." This was fun but not all the kids like to dance. They all enjoyed the songs. They liked learning new songs. "The music was different but I liked it. " "I'd like to play some of the instruments."
Best of the three titles from this series. Great upbeat music and fun information about the instruments. Very colorful and fun though the songs are a bit long. Kids onscreen seem a bit bored at times. It exposes kids to different styles of music and dance than they are familiar with. It encourages participation. Frank tells kids what is expected of them in each dance. He introduces each wrong with an explanation of the instruments used for the type of dance and where the music is from. Flows well. Has a good multicultural cast.
Pilar Leto leads children in Hawaiian hula, Brazilian samba, Jamaican reggae, Trinidadian calypso, Cuban rumba and Puerto Rican salsa dances. Frank Leto describes and plays a variety of multicultural instruments.
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