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What to know: Addresses dramatic and realistic events between a mother and her teenaged daughter.
BI ME is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 12-18
5 minutes
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The film is visually appealing as it's in black and white. The flow is understandable and the ocean scenes are a favorite for me. The audio is an issue at times because the waves drown out some of the dialog. Bi Me is a short film about the relationship between mother and her fourteen-year-old daughter. This film addresses dramatic and realistic events between both actors. It's interesting to see the unique portrayal of each scene expressed by the characters throughout the film. I would have liked to know more about the background about why the mother had a problem with the influences of media on her daughter. Some of the conversation is cut short, so it was unclear what the verbal disagreement is all about and why it escalated. There are some great beach scenes. There are moments when the daughter expresses her frustration by throwing rocks into the ocean that are captured well. Using black and white film really compliments the water and rocks. It also gives a somber feel to the whole scene. Aside from the beautiful beach location. The apartment works well. I found myself admiring the art work and amenities in the home. The wide open spaces are a perfect location for the stunts during the climax of the film.

the film's oceanic sounds are pleasant, but at times distracting. The dialog is not as crisp due to the continuous sounds of the ocean. That was probably meant to be symbolic of their relationship, but as a viewer I found it distracting. The mother stands out most to me. Her actions are very believable. Considering that the actors improvise the dialogue, the mother's kept me most engaged. The message is about standing for what you believe in and hope that family will eventually be there to accept you even when differences of opinion occur. There is a tussle between the mother and daughter and the daughter runs away from home. My favorite part is toward the end, because I was concerned that the daughter wouldn't have anyone else to call on after leaving. I was pleasantly surprised with the ending. I give this 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommended it for ages 12-18. It's relatable and is a great discussion piece. The special interest is about family, communication and media influences. Reviewed by Elle S., KIDS FIRST! Juror

A mother forces her fourteen-year-old daughter to choose over the laws of attraction.
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