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What to know: Charming series with quite current issues.
LISTIES WORK FOR PEANUTS, THE - EPISODE 3 is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 8-12
7 minutes
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Where to start. This is episode 3 of a series so you don't quite know the backstory, but it doesn't hamper understanding this clip. It is well produced and quite current in terms of the social media maven/influencer that hires the two goofy guys for her campaign. The topic of replacing poo for chocolate certainly has no socially redeeming value to it, but it is funny and kids would get a kick out to it. It works for kid and family festivals for a bit of comic relief. The camera work is very good. The actors are spot on, especially the "odd couple." Love the visual graphics. Fun. I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12. Reviewed by Julie S., KIDS FIRST! Juror
THE LISTIES are odd couple housemates who love to have adventures. Just staying alive can be a fun challenge for them, literally. Recently, Matt was worried he was dying. He thought his bum was broken - there was a crack down the middle. On top of this their landlady, an impossibly high achieving and quick witted eight year old ABERNATHY PEANUTS, won't stop hammering on the door with a list of demands - well it's more a list of DEMAND seeing as there's only one thing on the list: PAY YOUR RENT! The Listies have got bills, bills, bills so they need to get to werk, werk, werk! The only thing is, they're not exactly what you would call employable. In fact they've been fired from literally every proper job they've ever had, (apart from when they were human cannonballs, when they weren't fired, because they didn't fire, so they were fired (if you catch my drift). In every episode of THE LISTIES WORK FOR PEANUTS, Matt and Rich have to get a job to pay their rent to their eight year old landlord, Abernathy Peanuts - and if they don't... they'll be out on their BEEPs!
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