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What to know: Totally engaging and informative from start to finish.
STRAWS is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 7-18
32 minutes
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STRAWS cover image
This educational documentary by Linda Booker opens with a short history about straws as a useful tool. However, it then takes us on a journey explaining how the non-recyclable material that straws are made from today is completely devastating to the environment. How could a tool, which is so useful, have such a negative impact on the environment? Straws opens our eyes to see how single use straws are harmful to the world around us. The take home message is huge! Straws gives us disturbing facts and examples which are easy to relate to and more importantly, it gives the younger generation a call to action to make change for a better tomorrow.

I like how Straws interviews several researchers and groups who all tell the same story -that single use plastics are destroying our environment. Each of these people gives alarming specifics, which are compelling. This documentary takes us right to the site and gives us a first hand account on how plastics are impacting our ecosystems. It made me want to hop on a plane and join their teams!

The camera work of the film is outstanding. The ocean and underwater scenes are amazing. The footage is clear, making the message truly stand out! The research teams and outreach groups are well represented and have excellent spokespersons. The sets and locations are perfectly chosen. I especially like the story and plight of the sea turtles in Costa Rica. I have been to Costa Rica and have participated in outreach programs there. For me, the Costa Rican scenery made me appreciate the film even more.

The information is so interesting that quite honestly; all I wanted and waited for was more facts to come. I found that each and every person who is interviewed and included truly stands out and there is no single person that is better then the rest. They are all excellent. The documentary doesn't need the "wow factor" of special effects, as the information in itself is enough to wow the audience. Its message deserves to be projected globally. I was aware of the dangers of these plastics, but I never knew the global scope of how much is being consumed and ending up in our oceans. The data presented in this film is alarming. I particularly love the scene showing the children working together to make bamboo straws. One of the boys says, "We need community action," which I believe to be so true.

The message of Straws is about the need for change; consumers need to change their behavior before our fragile ecosystems are impacted forever. I have been learning about single use plastics for years, because I am huge environmentalist.

I give this film 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 7 to 18, plus adults. It belongs in every KIDS FIRST! Film Festival to inform people that in order to save our environment we need individuals, families and communities from all around the world. We can't make change unless we are aware of the negative impact that man has on nature. Reviewed by Dominic D., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic

I found this film very informative and was engaged from start to finish. The brief history of straws made a great beginning and set the scene as to why we have arrived at the need for a film of this nature. I also liked the way the film interviews different people to provide various perspectives and thus retains balance whilst still providing a powerful message. The wildlife featured was nice to see, although there is a slightly upsetting, but entirely valid scene of an injured turtle. From my perspective this scene really explains the unseen impact to the viewer. The film is inclusive of children's engagement and was especially good to see. I would challenge anybody who views this film not to question their use of a plastic straw next time they are offered one. I certainly did and this is based on clear information, which is why I recommend this film for ages 10 to 18, plus adults and give it 4 out of 5 stars. Reviewed by Richard L., KIDS FIRST! Adult reviewer
Used once and tossed, billions of plastic straws wind up in landfills and streets finding their way to oceans. A viral video of a sea turtle with a plastic straw in its nose has now sparked anti-straw campaigns globally. Actor/Director Tim Robbins narrates the history and story of straws and marine researchers, citizen activists and business owners discuss how it's possible to make a sea of change, one straw at a time.
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