This outstanding horror film sequel by John Krasinski exemplifies how cinematography and lighting can make a film ten times better. This is especially clear in one of my favorite scenes in which Evelyn Abbott (Emily Blunt) is standing in her flooding nursery, with paper falling off the walls, and dim red lights wrapped around her soaked dress. The camera angles really make this scene much more majestic and tragic. Also, the cinematography captures the CGI figures perfectly. It is terrifying and chilling how realistic these creatures look, drawing the audience into this truly unique film.
One of the best things about A Quiet Place Part II is the talent! I believe every actor and actress featured in this amazing film deserves a standing ovation. My favorite actress is Emily Blunt who is excellent in her role as Evelyn Abbott, bringing layers to her character and displaying her character's growth as the movie progresses. Also, the CGI used to create the antagonizing creatures truly stands out. It feels as if the creatures are there with the actors during the shoot, which is both terrifying and impressive at the same time.
The main messages of A Quiet Place Part II are to have bravery and perseverance. Examples of those qualities can be seen when protagonist Regan Abbott (Millicent Simmonds) goes off on her own, leaving her mother and two brothers behind in search of an island rumored to have other survivors. Some things to be aware of in A Quiet Place Part II are gore, jump scares and some other instances of horror that would not be appropriate for a younger audience.
I give A Quiet Place Part II 5 out of 5 stars. I loved it! I would recommend this film for ages 12 to 18 plus adults. You can find A Quiet Place Part II at your local movie theater starting on May 28, 2021.
By Samantha B., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 11As much as Emily Blunt and John Krasinski have to be incredibly silent, A Quiet Place Part II is a screaming delight with surprising twists and major intensity. Just when you think you can't get enough of these mind-boggling jump scares, the film provides new creative plot lines that make you jump left and right. The film does lack a major conclusion, which doesn't really give viewers closure, and it leaves you with the thought, "Wait, the movie's over?"
As you can guess, A Quiet Place Pat II picks up after the events of A Quiet Place. The film follows the Abbott family after they leave their previously destroyed home. When they discover a nearby outlander named Emmett (Cillian Murphy), they attempt to work with him so they can face the challenges outside their known world to survive the day. This sequel broadens the universe in ways that we could have never known in the first movie.
When it comes to a horror film, of course you need plenty of monsters. The increased amount of screen time the aliens have in A Quiet Place Part II is immensely more than the first movie. The visual effects department stepped up their game, really improving the CGI with plenty of detail, and making the aliens look a lot more realistic. With the number of aliens being amped up, of course the amount of action is too. The film includes as much action as you could possibly have in a 90 minute runtime.
The one word that describes A Quiet Place Part II is - intense. The sequel adapts its genre from horror to more of a thriller, with an emphasis on thrills. Certain parts of the film can be very extreme and make your heart pump out of your chest. It might seem scary on the outside, but on the inside, it demonstrates themes of family and friendship. It also expresses the importance of trust, and how you should bestow it upon new people in your life.
Topping an outstanding first movie is an almost impossible task, but director John Krasinski proves it to be possible by making A Quiet Place Part II superior to the first movie. Without a doubt A Quiet Place Part II is dialed up 100% from the first movie, improving the alien screen time and CGI that the debut movie lacked. Therefore, I give A Quiet Place Part II 5 out of 5 stars and recommend the film for ages 13 to 18, plus adults. You can find A Quiet Place Part II in your local theater on May 28, 2021.
By Jude A., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 14
From the bone-chilling thriller, A Quiet Place, comes the terrifying sequel A Quiet Place Part II. I was horrified and delighted with this film, and I believe I jumped about 20 times throughout the whole movie. Filled with suspense and intensity, A Quiet Place Part II is a must watch for all you horror fans.
Instead of picking up where A Quiet Place they left off, A Quiet Place Part II starts with a flashback of life before the monsters attacked. We see how the Abbott family, our heroes, were living a normal and happy small town life. All of a sudden, there is a flash in the sky and, after a short while, the monsters emerge. The town slowly starts to be destroyed as the creatures pick off people that speak too loudly. Suddenly, we flash forward to the current time where the original film left off, where the Abbott's seem to be the only ones left, or so they think. The suspense and intensity of this film will make you cringe and bite your nails out of fear of what is to come.
This movie is spectacular and there are so many details that deserve recognition. To start, I need to acknowledge the realistic, extraordinary acting in this movie. Noah Jupe (Marcus Abbott) and Millicent Simmonds (Regan Abbott) both convey such strong emotions using so little spoken word. They only use their facial expressions and sign language to communicate for the majority of the film, and yet it is some of the most top tier acting I have ever seen. The acting isn't the only thing that makes this movie spectacular. I love seeing two strong female characters. Emily Blunt as Evelyn Abbott is the spitting image of a tiger mom. The way her character is portrayed makes it so she shows moments of tenderness, while at other times she is killing monsters left and right like it's nothing. I could go on and on about Millicent Simmond's character, but the main thing that stuck out to me is that we have a deaf teenager who is a hero. She isn't portrayed as helpless because of her hearing abilities; in fact, she is the bravest out of all of them.
The message of this film is that courage means doing the right thing, even when you're afraid. There are many times in this film when we see characters stepping up to help each other, even when it means they risk losing their own lives.
I give A Quiet Place Part II 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it to ages 13 to 17 plus adults. It releases in theaters May 28, 2021.
By Allison B., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 14
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