The storyline follows Sam (Sean Hoover), a young orphan who steals for a living and who meets up and with a newly lost boy, Jacob (Jason Son). He introduces Jacob into his family of orphans, not realizing the danger that decision will bring to his family.
The plot is very interesting -- these orphaned children have very hard lives and are stealing goods that are turned over to an adult that is only interested in what they bring to him. The story draws you in as you see the hardships of these young children and realized how they are taken advantage of. The camerawork is terrific; even the scenes at night are well filmed and adequately lit. The costumes work well; all the kids wear dirty, ragged and holey clothes. The settings are very realistic looking. I love the background music and how perfectly the music fits everywhere, especially in the final scene when the police - that music is bittersweet music and a perfect fit as we see the children being taken away. All of the actors perform very well and their roles are all well-defined, especially Jason Sun who plays Jacob. It is easy to believe they are the characters they play. My favorite scene is the ending, when the kids are being taken away by the police because, even though it's sad, there is hope that they will be taken better care of, and not forced to steal for someone else in order to survive..
The message this film offers is an awareness of sex and labor trafficking that happens to homeless youth.
I give Nest 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. By Kendall B. and Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The storyline follows Sam (Sean Hoover), a young orphan who steals for a living and who meets up and with a newly lost boy, Jacob (Jason Son). He introduces Jacob into his family of orphans, not realizing the danger that decision will bring to his family.
The plot is very interesting -- these orphaned children have very hard lives and are stealing goods that are turned over to an adult that is only interested in what they bring to him. The story draws you in as you see the hardships of these young children and realized how they are taken advantage of. The camerawork is terrific; even the scenes at night are well filmed and adequately lit. The costumes work well; all the kids wear dirty, ragged and holey clothes. The settings are very realistic looking. I love the background music and how perfectly the music fits everywhere, especially in the final scene when the police - that music is bittersweet music and a perfect fit as we see the children being taken away. All of the actors perform very well and their roles are all well-defined, especially Jason Sun who plays Jacob. It is easy to believe they are the characters they play. My favorite scene is the ending, when the kids are being taken away by the police because, even though it's sad, there is hope that they will be taken better care of, and not forced to steal for someone else in order to survive..
The message this film offers is an awareness of sex and labor trafficking that happens to homeless youth.
I give Nest 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. By Kendall B. and Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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