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What to know: Be empathetic! You don't know what others are going through.
HIDDEN THROUGH THE LAYERS is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 12-18
3 minutes
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This middle school student made film addresses an important issue in a meaningful way. It encourages kids to be more sensitive to others because we never know what they might be going through.

Mental health is something that is invisible from the outside and this film seeks to show how people can behave fine on the outside while they are dealing with their own internal struggles.

The film is well produced although I had some difficulties with the audio recording at times. It shows a variety of kids in different situations and indicates that they might be struggling emotionally. Then it shows how other kids react to them, and makes suggestions about how they might react in a different and more helpful way.

The film's message is to be more empathetic with those around you because you never know what they are dealing with.

I give Hidden Through the Layers 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to12, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!

This middle school student made film addresses an important issue in a meaningful way. It encourages kids to be more sensitive to others because we never know what they might be going through.

Mental health is something that is invisible from the outside and this film seeks to show how people can behave fine on the outside while they are dealing with their own internal struggles.

The film is well produced although I had some difficulties with the audio recording at times. It shows a variety of kids in different situations and indicates that they might be struggling emotionally. Then it shows how other kids react to them, and makes suggestions about how they might react in a different and more helpful way.

The film's message is to be more empathetic with those around you because you never know what they are dealing with.

I give Hidden Through the Layers 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to12, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!

This film is about why mental health is something that is important to look for in others, and how people can seem perfectly fine on the outside and be struggling on the inside.
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