Big and yellow and ridden by almost everyone once in their lifetime, it’s the mighty school bus. And with a giant onboard concrete drum constantly turning both en route to and on site at construction sites everywhere, it’s the concrete truck. These are two of the most recognizable vehicles on the roads today. Now go behind the scenes and learn how these vehicular giants are built in the latest titles from the engaging DVD series “School Bus” and “Concrete Truck,” arriving at stores February 24, 2009.
Each How’d They Build That? program takes viewers along for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at some of the country’s most renowned assembly plants, showing how different types of trucks – emergency, utility, delivery, construction, service and agricultural – are built, from frame stamping to assembly, engine installation to paint, to final inspection and activation. Combining high definition live action with vivid, virtual 3-D animation, along with onscreen “Fun Facts” – which provides both interesting trivia and simple explanations of technical terminology – the How’d They Build That? series is sure to excite anyone who ever wondered where some of our most important vehicles come from. So start your engines and gear up for a truckin’ good time!
The newest titles in the How’d They Build That? series are:
· School Bus – Have you ever wondered where that big yellow bus you rode to and from school came from or how it was made? Learn all about it in a visit to the amazing IC School Bus factory in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where most of the school buses in North America are built. This fascinating plant features “The Green Mile,” an assembly line that’s more than a mile long, all under one roof! Watch each stage of assembly involved in building one of the safest vehicles on the road and learn fun trivia along the way (it’s the only vehicle on the road allowed to be “school bus yellow”). So take your seat for this fun-filled field trip!
· Concrete Truck – Is there any truck more fun to watch than a concrete mixer? We’ve all been mesmerized by the giant spinning drum mixing the concrete inside, and now its possible to see how that giant machine itself was built with a visit to the amazing McNeilus Concrete Truck factory in Dodge Center, Minnesota. Filmed in High Definition, with extensive use of colorful 3D computer generated models, watch how these marvelous machines – one of the heaviest vehicles on the road – are brought to life. Look at each stage of assembly from nuts & bolts to sparks and spinning steel and see how the rotating drum works to mix the concrete and watch it pour down the chute. It’s a rock-solid good time with this fun and fact filled program.
How’d They Build That? DVDs are available for sale at www.amazon.com and other online retailers.