Censor * Raises Lots Of Questions About Censorship, Effects Of Fiction, And Media Violence

After viewing a strangely familiar video nasty, Enid, a film censor, sets out to solve the past mystery of her sister’s disappearance, embarking on a quest that dissolves the line between fiction and reality. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Calista B., comments, “Censor is a unique movie that raises a lot of questions about censorship, the effect that fiction has on people and violence in the media. I really appreciate it for its subtlety; however I feel like the message is a little unclear.” See her full review below.
By Calista B., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 17
Censor is a unique movie that raises a lot of questions about censorship, the effect that fiction has on people and violence in the media. I really appreciate it for its subtlety; however I feel like the message is a little unclear.
The story follows Enid, a film censor. Her job consists of viewing graphic horror films and deciding what to cut and what to leave in. However, after a particular film reminds her of a traumatic childhood memory, she becomes convinced that there is some connection between her work and the disappearance of her sister.
First off, I want to take a moment to appreciate the atmosphere of this film. The lighting and sound design combine to create an extremely bleak and dreary mood, as if the entire film takes place on an unpleasant foggy day. It fits the constant sense of unease this movie gives off, especially when combined with the uncomfortable subject matter.
Censor has an interesting insight on fiction’s effect on reality. I’m very invested in this topic, as someone who loves video games and has constantly heard discussions about how the medium causes violence. Though the film doesn’t outright say it, there’s an underlying message about how society sometimes draws conclusions that aren’t true. At one point, a murder gets connected to a film that Enid allowed to be released. However we later find out the killer didn’t even watch the aforementioned film. This leaves you wondering what the truth of the case is. This murder case is never brought up again and, ultimately, is not that important to the plot.
Censor’s themes surrounding the idea of censorship, and the way they connect to Enid’s past, are genuinely really engaging. Enid claims she does her job to “protect” people, and this perfectly ties into Enid’s trauma. A common thing that happens to trauma survivors is that their brain will block out the memories of the event. As such, Enid can’t remember the exact details of her trauma. Her brain is essentially censoring itself to protect her. But what exactly is it protecting her from? What is the truth of her past? This connection is so fascinating.
I must warn audiences, though, if you don’t like gore or discussions of gore, this movie is not for you. There’s a montage at the beginning showing all kinds of graphic violence, and there is more gore later in the film.
I give Censor 4 out of 5 stars, and recommend it for ages 16 to 18. Censor releases on June 11, 2021.