Cirque Du Soleil Kurios * No Ordinary Circus! Characters Tell A Story Through Acrobatic Movements

In his larger-than-life curio cabinet, the Seeker is convinced that there exists a hidden, invisible world – a place where the craziest ideas and the grandest dreams lie waiting. A collection of otherworldly characters suddenly steps into his makeshift mechanical world. When the outlandish, benevolent characters turn his world upside down with a touch of poetry and humor in an attempt to ignite the Seeker’s imagination, his curios jump to life one by one before his very eyes. What if by engaging our imagination and opening our minds we could unlock the door to a world of wonders?
KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Ava C. comments, “This is no ordinary circus! I really like how engaging the performers are with the audience… The show reminds me of a stage play where the characters tell a story, but it’s done through acrobatic movements.” See her full review below.
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Cirque Du Soleil Kurios
By Ava C., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13

This is no ordinary circus! I had a wonderful time at Cirque du Soleil Kurios! I really like how engaging the performers are with the audience and that there are no live animals in the show. The show reminds me of a stage play where the characters tell a story, but it’s done through acrobatic movements.
The storyline of the show follows an inventor called the Seeker who believes there is an invisible world and invents machines that travel through time and space, allowing characters from other worlds to interact with him. Throughout the show, there are many strange, but unique characters that appear.

Cirque du Soleil Kurios is unique, entertaining and full of jaw-dropping moments. I love how the performers tell a story using little or no words. There are times when it’s difficult to follow exactly what is going on, but the performers always maintain their character. At one point, there was what appeared to be a technical malfunction with one of the acts, but it was barely noticeable. Otherwise, the show is amazing; unlike anything I have ever seen. The costumes and acts are mind-blowing. You can tell that the performers have spent plenty of hours training and practicing for this show. Their performances are all excellent; they definitely give their all.

The show is just 100 minutes long (with a 25 minute intermission) and the performers maintain their high energy for the entire show. The sound system is great; it carries throughout the whole tent. One thing I did notice is that it seems that the performers tend to favor the audience to the left and center of stage; therefore, the audiences sitting on the right side of the tent see mostly the performers’ backs or sides. However, that does not detract from this excellent production.
The message of show is about how powerful science and the imagination is. If you can think, you can achieve it.
I give Cirque Du Soleil Kurios 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to18, plus adults. You can find it in Atlanta from Oct 6 through Dec 24, 2022. For more information visit