“Bam!” “Ka-Pow!” “Bonk!” – as they say in comic books. While that’s not really what the superheroes of The Avengers have to say (they are much more articulate), their actions are fairly true to their comic book roots. KIDS FIRST! youth film critics Julianna Noone (age 12) and Talia Rashba (age 11) each give the film a full 5 out of 5 stars, and are quite articulate themselves on their reasons for the top rating.
“This action-packed and comedy-filled film is a movie that not only will appeal to comic fans but all movie-goers, as it has a great storyline and strong cast to support it,” says Julianna. And Talia is equally enthusiastic: “This movie is absolutely fantastic! It is packed with a ton of action and humor and will transport you into an amazing supernatural world where it is all about the good guys fighting the bad.”
The Avengers
Reviewed by Julianna Noone
Looking for a hero? Well, look no further, because The Avengers is in theaters everywhere! This action-packed and comedy-filled film is a movie that not only will appeal to comic book fans but all movie-goers, as it has a great storyline and a strong cast to support it. This movie will attract all demographics and has already set many box office records.
The basis of this movie is the world is under threat from another world, Chitauri, and there is a need for more than just all the world’s defenses to save it. The world needs the “Avenger Initiative”, which is a plan put together by S.H.I.E.L.D., an international peace-keeping agency, which calls for S.H.I.E.L.D. to bring together some of the world’s greatest heroes: Iron Man/Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr; Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth; Captain America/Steve Rogers, played by Chris Evans; The Hulk/Dr. Bruce Banner, played by Mark Ruffalo; Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff , played by Scarlett Johansson; and Hawkeye/Clint Barton, played by Jeremy Renner. Nick Fury, played by the always intense Samuel L. Jackson, leads the S.H.I.E.L.D. agency. There is a great supporting cast as well, that rounds out a star-studded cast.
Now, I have watched all of the individual movie releases of The Hulk (both movies), Thor, Captain America and both Iron Man movies and loved them all, but, as most, was concerned whether they would work together to create a great movie. Well, they have done that and more, with a storyline that allows the main characters to, at times, shine on their own but at other times pairs them up perfectly to bring great balance to the story.
Josh Whedon, the director and co-writer, and Zach Penn, co-writer, do a great job in blending the action sequences in with very well-timed comedic moments. I also love how they bring so many different levels of conflict into the movie. There is brother vs. brother, between Thor and his evil brother Loki (played brilliantly by Tom Hiddleston), the film’s antagonist. There is internal conflict each of the main characters has with themselves, as we watch Dr. Banner trying to control his inner demons. And there is the overall conflict of our world vs. the other world, called Chitauri.
There is also the conflict between the heroes themselves, which leads to many of the funniest parts of the film. Two of my favorite scenes are these parts of the movie. First, when the heroes first come together on the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft, they are discussing the devastation that Loki has brought to Earth. Thor jumps to Loki’s defense and states, “He’s my brother,” to which the Black Widow responds, “He has killed 80 people in two days.” Thor responds, “He’s adopted!” and it’s one of the many laugh-out-loud moments. 
My favorite character(s) would be the Avengers as a whole, as they each have their own unique and likable traits. I love the special effects, particularly the touch screen computers that float in the air, and the use of CGI in this film as it was worked into the live-action sequences. The CGI Hulk was especially well done and was much more human-like in this film and funny as well.
This movie is great for all ages and I rate it 5 out of 5 stars. It’s a must-see movie for comic book and non-comic book fans, and I think many will see it more than once, as I know I plan to.
The Avengers
Reviewed by Talia Rashba
(See her full review on video.)
This movie was absolutely fantastic! It is packed with a ton of action and humor and will transport you into an amazing supernatural world where it is all about the good guys fighting the bad.
The story is about a group of famous superheroes that come together to defeat the evil Loki, who has stolen a powerful energy cube that he intends to use to take over the world. The superheroes include Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye. Each one has a unique and special supernatural power that they use to help them do their job. At first, the superheroes fight about being a team, but, eventually, they work together to complete the mission.
The Avengers could have ended up being a typical superhero movie, but it isn’t. Because there are so many heroes, it is much more creative and entertaining. The Avengers is packed with fabulous actors. Robert Downey Jr. plays Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man. Just like he was in the Iron Man movie, he thinks he is better than everyone else, but luckily, he is really quite funny so you end up liking him a lot. Captain America (Chris Evans) is strong and serious, and he is always ready to get the job done. Actor Mark Ruffalo plays the ferocious green form known as the Incredible Hulk. He really stands out and takes over the scenes he is in. Superhero Thor (Chris Hemsworth) has some of the most incredible battle scenes. And Black Widow, portrayed by the beautiful Scarlett Johansson, is the one who convinces the others to put aside their differences and work with each other.
An interesting fact is that actor Lou Ferrigno, who has played The Hulk in almost every film since 1978, is actually the Hulk’s voice in the movie. 
The Avengers is written and directed by Joss Whedon, who does an amazing job. He makes sure that there is a lot of humor in the movie and that the action scenes really grab your attention. The special effects were incredible. The superheroes change from their everyday selves into their supernatural selves in an interesting and fun way. The fight scenes and explosions are unbelievable. Also, there is a really neat headquarters for the agency that you just have to see for yourself!
Even though it is rated PG-13, I think kids ages 11, as well as all adults, will love this movie, especially if action is their thing. I am giving this film a 5 out of 5 stars and recommending that you see it right away!
Photos: The Avengers poster (top), Julianne Noone (middle), Talia Rashba (bottom)