If I Could Ride * An Uplifting And Engaging Film That’s Perfect For Kids, Teens, Families And Especially Horse Lovers

A young girl dreams of a life riding horses but can’t because of a disability. When Bridget, the reigning equestrian champion is injured, the two girls come together to learn the importance of following your dreams and never giving up.
KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Sydney S. comments, “I really enjoyed If I Could Ride’s message. The plot is very fascinating and compelling and is cleverly written. The characters are all teenagers that are going through struggles, physically and mentally.” Kyla C. adds, “If I Could Ride is an uplifting and engaging film that’s perfect for kids, teens, families and especially horse lovers. If I Could Ride emphasizes how anyone can form a life changing bond, even if they come from different backgrounds.” Anna Clara B. wraps it up with, “This is a very emotional story, well made. The storyline is well written and the girls’ personalities are well developed. They won my heart!…The film’s message is to never give up on your dreams; everything is possible; just try.” See their full reviews below.
If I Could Ride
By Sydney S., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 12

I really enjoyed If I Could Ride’s message. The plot is very fascinating and compelling and is cleverly written. The characters are all teenagers that are going through struggles, physically and mentally.
The storyline follows a girl with a mobility disability who wishes she could ride horses. Another girl who is an outstanding rider gets hurt and the two girls start a friendship because they are both injured. It asks the question, “Who will step in to cover for the champion rider?”
There is more to this movie than a horse competition – the plot left me on the edge of my seat and the emotions of the girls are very relatable, especially for teenagers. The main characters are Jolie (Alexis Arnold), Bridget (Eva Igo) and Coach Jimmy (Tom Vera). Jodie has a back disability and Bridget is a champion rider, coached by Jimmy. They are all entwined in an intricate storyline that is well-planned and intriguing. The sets and locations stay true to the plot, as the action takes place mostly in the stable or the arena. My favorite part is when Jodie becomes strong enough to ride a horse. The look on her face is heartwarming and it’s rewarding to see her develop the strength and courage to ride. Sometimes, the lighting and the sound are a bit off and the camerawork is shaky at times, all of which are unsettling.

The film’s message is that friends and family are extremely important. They’ll always be there for you throughout hardships and we see that between Bridget and Jolie. It’s also about following your passions, especially when they make you happy. It promotes overcoming challenges and reminds us that we are capable of pursuing our dreams.
I give If I Could Ride 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18. If I Could Ride comes out on VOD and DVD April 4, 2023.
If I Could Ride
By Kyla C, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 13
If I Could Ride is an uplifting and engaging film that’s perfect for kids, teens, families and especially horse lovers. If I Could Ride emphasizes how anyone can form a life changing bond, even if they come from different backgrounds.

If I Could Ride follows Bridget Van Heusen (Eva Igo) and Jodie Davis (Alexis Arnold), two girls from completely different worlds. Bridget is a rich, talented horse rider who is constantly pressured and berated to do her absolute best and uphold the Van Heusen legacy. Jodie is a poorer girl with a physical disability that prevents her from doing many things, including walking and riding a horse, her dream in life. Bridget must navigate her family issues and her own internal struggles; while Jodie must keep a positive attitude as she takes small steps towards her dream of riding a horse. An unexpected crossing of paths leads to an unlikely friendship that might last a lifetime.

The actors’ performances in If I Could Ride are what make this film so impactful emotionally. Eva Igo amazingly portrays every emotion that Bridget is feeling. Bridget’s life is very difficult, with doubts of whether her parents love her and constant pressure to do her absolute best every time she competes on horseback. Eva Igo shows her frustration and sadness building up throughout the entire film until it reaches its breaking point. The raw emotion truly makes the film’s message so much more effective. Similarly, Alexis Arnold’s performance as the optimistic, determined and unbelievably sweet Jodie is just as important for If I Could Ride’s theme. Alexis Arnold captures Jodie’s delicate personality in a way that gives the audience someone to root for. Both actresses show their characters’ development emotionally and physically throughout the entire film. Additionally, Tom Vera’s performance as Jimmy is vital for the plot. Tom Vera embraces Jimmy’s backstory and turns him into another treasured protagonist rather than just a backup character. Jimmy could just be Bridget’s trainer and the person who cares for the horses, but he instead connects his own background to his job and Bridget’s story. The landscapes in this film are beautiful — from wide open fields to forests crowded with towering trees to horse stables, every setting is simple yet magnificent.
The theme of If I Could Ride is that you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it. Jodie must overcome many obstacles if she wants to reach her final goal of riding a horse. If I Could Ride also shows how family life can really affect someone’s personality and feelings, as we see with Bridget and her situation. The film also focuses on forming bonds and taking steps towards good communication with people you love. There are some very sad and slightly scary moments, such as falling off of a horse and some scenes in hospitals.
I give If I Could Ride 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. You can watch If I Could Ride on DVD and VOD beginning April 4, 2023.
If I Could Ride
By Anna Clara B., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13

If I could Ride is an emotional movie filled with amazing life lessons that I enjoyed.
The storyline follows two girls living in two different worlds – Jodie (Alexis Arnold) who dreams of a life riding horses but can’t because she has a physical disability and Bridgett (Eva Igo), the reigning equestrian champion. When Bridgett is injured, the two girls come together to learn the importance of following your dream and not giving up.
This is a very emotional story, well made. The storyline is well written and the girls’ personalities are well developed. They won my heart! Jodie’s live is difficult and, with the passing of her father, her hard-working mother works even harder. Bridgett lives at a beautiful farm, rides well, and is very competitive. She is unappreciative of what she has and is mean and belittling to everyone. These two girls’ paths cross and the story follows the success of one and the failure of the other. My favorite part is when Jodie´s mother motivates her when she’s sad. I enjoyed the soundtrack for the film, especially the voice of (name the singer here).

The film’s message is to never give up on your dreams; everything is possible; just try.
I give If I could Ride 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. It releases on VOD and DVD April 4, 2023.