Hard Miles * A Social Worker Assembles A Cycling Team Of Juvenile Convicts And Takes Them On A Transformative 1000-Mile Bike Ride

Hard Miles tells the uplifting true story of the bicycling team at Rite of Passage’s RidgeView Academy, a medium-security correctional school in Colorado. The film follows beleaguered coach Greg Townsend (Matthew Modine) as he rounds up an unlikely crew of incarcerated students for a seemingly impossible bike ride from Denver to the Grand Canyon.
KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Ariel K. comments, “I really love the film Hard Miles because it is very inspiring, touching, and has a funny twist to it. All in all, this film is great for family movie night. The film’s message is ‘never stop something until you finish it.’”
Hard Miles
By Ariel K., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 12

I really love the film Hard Miles because it is very inspiring, touching, and has a funny twist to it.
The story follows four teenage convicts who have lost hope for a “normal future” and are trying to get their “second chance” by showing their motivation to be better. The prison social worker (Matthew Modine) takes them on a 1,000 mile bike riding journey to the Grand Canyon. This journey is not easy, but it makes them discover who they are, what they are made of, and the importance of friendship and teamwork.

All in all, this film is great for family movie night. Hard Miles is very inspiring – it features violent teenagers that have had a tough life and they learn how to work together as a team and to cross hundreds of miles on a self-made bike. While I was watching, all I wanted to do was to get out into the sweet, cool, fresh air and ride my bike. There is also a side story regarding a father-son relationship that adds to the complexity of their story and contributes to a very heartfelt scene at the end of the film.

I found this movie to be very funny. For example, a scene that made me laugh out loud, was when the teenagers, who were willing to do practically anything not to return back home and move to another school, pop the wheels of the van that was supposed to take them back. After a staff member finally fixes it, she finds another “nice surprise” waiting for her in the van. Scenes like this happen throughout the film. In addition, knowing this movie is based on a true story really made me excited and appreciate bicycles. The scenery really stands out and makes it feel like you’re riding with them. The costumes go great with the storyline and even contribute to the movie’s antagonists’ turning point.

The film’s message is “never stop something until you finish it.” There are many more life lessons and messages all to be learned by watching this film. Be forewarned that this film has a little violence and some profanity.
I give Hard Miles 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. It will be released in theaters April 19, 2024.